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  • Essential SQL Knowledge for Entry-Level Data Science Roles

Essential SQL Knowledge for Entry-Level Data Science Roles

Meta releases its most powerful AI model yet

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🔮 Meta releases its most powerful AI model yet LINK

  • Meta has released Llama 3.1 405B, its largest open-source AI model to date, featuring 405 billion parameters which enhance its problem-solving abilities.

  • Trained with 16,000 Nvidia H100 GPUs, Llama 3.1 405B is competitive with leading AI models like OpenAI’s GPT-4 and Anthropic’s Claude 3.5 Sonnet, though it has specific strengths and weaknesses.

  • Meta's new AI model is available for download or cloud usage and powers chatbots on platforms like WhatsApp and Meta.ai, showcasing capabilities in coding, mathematical queries, and multilingual document summarization.

💰 Google talks to acquire Wiz for $23 billion fall through LINK

  • Cybersecurity startup Wiz has turned down a $23 billion acquisition proposal from Alphabet, Google's parent company, opting instead to pursue an initial public offering.

  • Wiz co-founder Assaf Rappaport highlighted antitrust and investor concerns as key reasons for rejecting the deal, aiming for $1 billion in annual recurring revenue alongside the IPO.

  • Neither Wiz nor Alphabet have confirmed discussions about the deal, which would have been Google's largest acquisition, with Wiz providing cloud-based security solutions for enterprise clients.

The fastest way to build AI apps

  • Writer Framework: build Python apps with drag-and-drop UI

  • API and SDKs to integrate into your codebase

  • Intuitive no-code tools for business users

🧠 Essential SQL Knowledge for Entry-Level Data Science Roles

SQL (Structured Query Language) is a cornerstone skill for data scientists. According to a survey by 365DataScience of 1,000 LinkedIn data science job postings, 60% required SQL proficiency. This highlights its importance in the data science field. This article discusses the essential SQL knowledge required for entry-level data science roles and offers resources and advice to help you learn SQL effectively.

Basic SQL Functions

For entry-level roles, mastery of basic SQL functions is essential. Here are key commands with examples using an imaginary Employees table:


SELECT * FROM Employees;


CREATE TABLE Employees (
    FirstName NVARCHAR(50),
    LastName NVARCHAR(50),
    BirthDate DATE,
    Salary DECIMAL(10, 2)

INSERT INTO Employees (EmployeeID, FirstName, LastName, BirthDate, Salary)
VALUES (1, 'John', 'Doe', '1980-01-01', 50000.00);

ALTER TABLE Employees ADD Department VARCHAR(50);


SELECT Department, COUNT(*) AS NumberOfEmployees
FROM Employees
GROUP BY Department;

SELECT * FROM Employees
ORDER BY LastName ASC, FirstName ASC;


SELECT * FROM Employees WHERE Salary > 40000 AND Department = 'Sales';


    AVG(Salary) AS AverageSalary,
    COUNT(EmployeeID) AS NumberOfEmployees,
    MIN(Salary) AS MinimumSalary,
    MAX(Salary) AS MaximumSalary,
    SUM(Salary) AS TotalSalary
FROM Employees;


SELECT DISTINCT Department FROM Employees;

JOIN Operations

SELECT e.EmployeeID, e.FirstName, e.LastName, d.DepartmentName
FROM Employees e
INNER JOIN Departments d ON e.DepartmentID = d.DepartmentID;

Advanced SQL Functions

  • Common Table Expressions (CTEs) and Subqueries

    WITH SalesCTE AS (
        SELECT EmployeeID, SUM(SalesAmount) AS TotalSales
        FROM Sales
        GROUP BY EmployeeID
    SELECT e.EmployeeID, e.FirstName, e.LastName, s.TotalSales
    FROM Employees e
    JOIN SalesCTE s ON e.EmployeeID = s.EmployeeID;

  • User Defined Functions (UDFs)

    CREATE FUNCTION dbo.GetEmployeeFullName(@EmployeeID INT)
        DECLARE @FullName NVARCHAR(100);
        SELECT @FullName = FirstName + ' ' + LastName
        FROM Employees
        WHERE EmployeeID = @EmployeeID;
        RETURN @FullName;

Mastering SQL is indispensable for aspiring data scientists, given that 60% of job postings require this skill. By focusing on fundamental SQL commands like SELECT, INSERT, and JOIN, and understanding advanced functions such as CTEs and UDFs, you can effectively manipulate and analyze data. Utilizing resources like W3Schools, Tutorialspoint, and practice platforms like HackerRank will solidify your skills. Remember, consistent practice and patience are key. With dedication, you can acquire the necessary SQL knowledge to secure an entry-level data science role and enhance your career prospects.

Top AI SQL Tools

  1. AI2sql

    • Overview: AI-driven SQL query generator using natural language.

    • Features: Supports MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Oracle, integrated with GPT-3.

    • Performance: Launched in 2021, ranked fifth on Product Hunt, v2.0 received 142 upvotes.

  2. AI Query

    • Overview: Uses GPT-3 to generate SQL queries from natural language.

    • Features: Supports Postgres, MySQL, MariaDB, SQL Server; visual interface for table structure.

    • Performance: Launched on Product Hunt in late 2022.

  3. Outerbase

    • Overview: Modern SQL client with AI capabilities.

    • Features: Supports Postgres, MySQL, relational databases; spreadsheet-like interface.

    • Performance: Launched in 2023, minimal updates since April.

  4. SQL Chat

    • Overview: Chat-based SQL client integrated with ChatGPT.

    • Features: Supports MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server, TiDB Serverless; subscription model available.

    • Performance: Significant attention since Product Hunt launch.

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